Flytipping & Kendrick Road graffiti, tackled!

Jamie, Dave and Kat are working hard on the issues that matter to you

Local Greens have reported the ‘eyesore’ graffiti at the top of Kendrick Road many times. The council have now cleared it.

Illegally dumped waste and graffiti can have a huge impact on the local environment and the quality of life of our residents.

Greens understand how important these issues are so we’re working in close partnership with the local community to address urgent environmental issues in the neighbourhood as soon as they arise.

Local Green councillor Jamie Whitham says,

“Illegally dumped waste and graffiti can have a huge impact on the local environment and the quality of life of our residents.” 

We’re working hard all year round to ensure that local issues are dealt with promptly – you can help by reporting graffiti, fly-tipping and other problems using the Love Clean Streets app. Download the lovecleanstreets app

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