Greens take up more committee places than ever before

Greens have celebrated the amazing local election results where the Green Party was the only party in Reading to achieve a net gain in councillors – in the Reading Central MP area Labour have 21 councillors, there are eight Greens, only three Conservatives and no Lib Dems. Following this the Green Party is taking up more committee places than ever before.

The Green Party now has eight councillors. They were offered 23 places on committees by the council, and they have taken up 20 of them. For the first time ever, the Green Party is covering all of the main committees. They are covering both a greater number and percentage of committee places than any other year.

Councillor Rob White (Green Party, leader of the main opposition party on Reading Council) said: “This year we had amazing council election results where Greens were the only party to achieve a net gain of councillors. The Green Group is covering more committees and committee places than ever before.

“Greens are working hard on committees holding Labour to account on the lack of affordable housing in the town, worsening congestion, and Labour’s failure to tackle the climate emergency.

“Green councillors are also out all year round knocking on doors, talking to residents and tackling local issues like missed bin collections, potholes and graffiti.”

He added, “We’ll keep focusing on doing what residents want us to do – work hard for a fairer, greener and cleaner town.”

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