Local News

Major road potholes getting worse

Unfortunately, many of Reading’s roads are plagued with potholes. Council figures show that the condition of major roads is getting worse. Greens have continued to report individual potholes and push for roads to be properly resurfaced.

Councillor Dave McElroy (Green Party, Redlands Ward) said: “After years of underinvestment in our roads from Labour, it is good to see some improvement on some of our residential roads. There are still sections of a number of residential roads that are real hazardous boneshakers though – Palmer Park Avenue, St Peter’s, and Alexandra for example. You hit some of these holes and at best you get a flat tire, at worst you find yourself in the Earth’s molten core, halfway to China.

“The number of major roads in a poor condition has also unfortunately been increasing in recent years. London Road is particularly bad. More investment is needed to create a decent, safe road surface for all. This is especially important for vulnerable road users such as cyclists. Green Party councillors will keep working to tackle potholes.”

You can report potholes yourself using the Love Clean Streets app.

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