Local News

Up to 60 young trees accidently threshed by council

Saplings have been mown down in error at a rewilding area in Caversham

A rewilding area in Bugs Bottom, Caversham, has been accidently mown over by Reading Borough Council. The area had been subject to considerable tree planting by The Conservation Volunteers Woodland Improvement Team, using funding provided by Network Rail in 2020, with an estimated 300 young saplings planted in the area.

The matter was investigated by Cllr Dave McElroy (Green MP candidate for Reading Central at the 2024 general election) following complaints by residents. The council has since visited the site, estimating that 30-60 of those originally planted have been affected.

“This is frustrating as it’s not the first time it has happened. Back in 2019 the council did the same thing to about 800 saplings in Palmer Park, with the council representative at the time saying that the important thing here is that lessons are learned. What lessons?

“Greens have been working with the council to understand how this has happened again and have called for the trees to be replanted. They’ve told us they don’t believe that this exact spot has the right soil conditions for more trees but are looking at other options and species to plant in Bugs Bottom. We’ll be keeping up the pressure to make sure this happens and isn’t just quietly forgotten.

“Anyone interested in helping out with the replanting effort should get in touch with me at dave@readinggreenparty.org.uk.”

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