Local News

Greens think the London Road bus lane needs to go back to the drawing board

Buses are getting stuck in the queues of traffic approaching the new incoming London Road bus lane.

Commenting on the recently introduced London Road bus lane, Councillor Rob White (Green Party, leader of the main opposition party) said: “Greens remain concerned about the impact of the new bus lane on London Road which is slowing everyone down including buses. We raised these concerns before the bus lane was implemented. The council definitely needs to go back to the drawing board.”

Fill out the Green Party survey on how the bus lane has impacted on your journey here.

Cllr White continued: “As the Labour-run council’s modelling showed, queues of traffic coming into Reading on London Road have increased. This is slowing everyone down including buses. However, we won’t see a true picture until October when Church Road reopens.

“Greens thought that the bus lane needed to be designed differently. It also needed to be introduced with other bus priority measures, extra bus services and measures to get people on the buses to offset the extra congestion. Otherwise we end up with the situation we have now, which is that bus times into town along London Road increase because buses are caught in the congestion. Unfortunately without these extra measures rat-running will also increase – as we are also seeing on roads such as Palmer Park Avenue.

“The council has said it will be monitoring congestion, rat-running and air pollution following the introduction of the bus lane. We will keep chasing this as well as talking to Reading Buses about actual journey times.”

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