Thanks for voting Green

Councillor Rob White (Green Party, leader of the main opposition party) said: “Thanks to everyone who voted Green. We had some amazing some results. In Reading Councillor Dave McElroy was re-elected in Redlands. In Park Sarah Magon was re-elected. And in Katesgrove Kate Nikulina was elected.

“If you aren’t a member already join us here and help us make a difference If you are a member then a big thanks and please encourage your friends, family and neighbours to join.

“Overall in Reading Greens were the only party to gain a seat (8), Labour stayed the same (32), Conservatives lost a seat (4) and Lib Dems stayed the same (3).

“This result sends a message to Labour that they can’t take people’s votes for granted. And that you can vote Green and get Green. We will keep working for a fairer, greener and cleaner town.

“Thanks again everyone for your support and hard work.”

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