Green Party standing a candidate in every Reading ward

The Green Party is a standing candidates in every ward across Reading.

The Green Party are currently the main opposition party on Reading Borough Council, with more councillors than both the Conservatives and Lib Dems. They have councillors in Park, Redlands and Katesgrove wards.

The make-up of the council is 32 Labour, seven Green, five Conservative, three Lib Dem and one independent.

Kate Nikulina (Green Party, Katesgrove Ward) said: “Under the Labour-run council our area is blighted by potholes, overflowing bins, antisocial behaviour, congestion and air pollution. Carbon reductions have stalled, people can’t find a dentist and we don’t have enough affordable housing. Greens have campaigned tirelessly with residents to tackle these issues.

“Over the last year Greens have had success tackling bin problems, poor quality privately rented accommodation and road safety issues.

“There are wards in Reading where the Green Party stands a good chance of winning this year, but the results are likely to be close.

“Labour have a massive majority on the council and it’s likely that they will run the council whatever happens. The current balance is 32 Labour councillors, seven Green councillors, five Conservatives, three Lib Dems and one independent.

“Voting Green will mean you get not only a hard-working representative on the council making a difference all year round, but keep a strong main opposition party holding Labour to account for their actions.

“Vote Green for a fairer, greener and cleaner town.”

Details of all candidates can be found here:

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