No dentist taking on new NHS patients in Reading

Green Party research has shown that no dentist is taking on new NHS patients in Reading. Green campaigner Kate Nikulina is petitioning Reading Council to lobby the Integrated Care Board, government and come up with a plan to address this issue.

The petition can be signed here.

The shortage of NHS dentists is being made worse by the recent announcement that Castle Hill dentists will no longer be serving its existing NHS patients from 1 September. This means that all of the existing Castle Hill NHS patients will need to find a new dentist.

The NHS’ Find a Dentist website says that there are no dentists in Reading accepting a new NHS patients. The website says the nearest dentist accepting NHS patients is 9.7 miles away in Bracknell. However we have also contacted this dentist and it is not accepting NHS patients.

The entry for some dentists in Reading is “This dentist surgery has not given a recent update on whether they are taking new NHS patients. You can contact them directly to ask.” The Green Party phoned all of these dentists in Reading and none were taking on NHS patients.

Some dentists have an entry saying that they will accept NHS patients by referral. This is for specific services like sedation so a treatment can be carried out. These dentists are not accepting new NHS patients for checkups and other treatments.

Green campaigner Kate Nikulina said: “Reading is a dental desert. Too many Reading residents can’t get an NHS dentist.

“People are left in pain or if they are lucky enough to be able to afford it with having to pay a large private dental bill in a cost of living crisis. Children and others entitled to free dental care aren’t able to get it.

“This Conservative government has been asleep at the wheel over NHS dentistry and as well as taking local action Reading Council should lobbying the government on this issue.

“Please sign the Green Party petition for Reading Council to lobby the Integrated Care Board, government and come up with a plan to tackle the dental desert that Reading has become.”

UPDATE: if you meet certain criteria (new to the town, not had a checkup for two years etc) you may be able to get a one-off NHS dental checkup from Bespoke Dental (previously called Gentle Dental) in Tilehurst who are involved in a pilot. They are also offering emergency NHS treatment to people who are not registered with them. Contact them for details: 

You cannot register with them as a NHS patient though.

Don’t forget to sign the petition. Sign the petition

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